Where we began

What began as a heartfelt endeavor has blossomed into Mama Power Foods, a thriving business owned by a devoted mother, nestled in the heart of Atlanta, GA.

Mama Power kale salad dressing sprouted from a mission to get my son, a picky eater, to love eating green. Armed with kale from my garden, I was determined to introduce him to a variety of vegetables beyond the usual yellow and orange. I mixed up some of my favorite salad dressing ingredients and he loved it. He ate kale salad! I was overjoyed at my creation and I found a power in it. I found my Mama Power.

This healthy dressing has now become a staple in my kitchen, transforming kale and a variety of veggies into delicious delights. Its versatility goes beyond just leafy greens; it pairs amazingly with raw or cooked vegetables, pasta, and poultry. Mama Power’s healthy kale salad dressing is a unique and essential companion for crafting flavorful dishes, offering a gourmet delight that anyone, everywhere can enjoy!